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The development of LIMIT® started more than 10 years ago to allow an automation of assessments according to DVS1612 regulation for the railway industry. Any approved regulation/guideline allows an automation of processes leading to “conforming to standard” engineering assessments. Over the last years several codes/regulations were added to LIMIT® according to internal needs and requests from our customers.
Currently the following codes are implemented:
- FKM Richtlinie
- DVS 1612
- DVS 1608
- Eurocode 3
- Eurocode 9
- EN 13001
- EN 17149
- DIN 15018
- BS 7608
- GB 50017
- AAR, Section C – PartII
- ERRI B12
- EN 13979-1 und TB/T 3506
- IIW Empfehlungen
- DangVan
- Benutzerdefiniert
Additional codes and guidelines can be implemented if required. Please do not hesitate to contact us and ask for it.