To achieve a quick overview of the utilization of welds, a global weld assessment, called Weld Global, is available in LIMIT® for shell and solid elements. The weld geometry (butt weld, fillet weld,…) is not considered in detail, but the actual notch cases and FAT classes for welds are used. Stresses are taken directly from the top and bottom side of shell elements or from the surface of solid elements. In Weld Global mode LIMIT® searches for the most disadvantageous orientation of the weld (critical cutting plane method) and lists the corresponding degrees of utilization (DoU).
The method can provide a quick overview of higher stressed regions in the structure, but it is not conservative in case of partial penetration or one-sided fillet welds. In many cases, this procedure is conservative on full penetration welds. However, the best way to assess welded structures is to use the assignment type Weld.