In case of static loads or loads with very low cycle numbers, the assessment against static material failure or collapse is usually sufficient. If cyclic yielding can be excluded, moderate load cycle numbers up to 10000 are no problem. The LIMIT® fatigue analysis software offers static strength assessments for base material and welds.
A static strength assessment is available for numerous codes, including Eurocodes EC3 and EC9, DVS1608, DVS1612 as well as EN13001. The most refined procedure is part of the FKM assessment within the LIMIT® fatigue analysis software and takes into account the influence of multiaxial stress states on the ductility of the material.

Comment: The low cycle fatigue part, commonly ranging from very few to 1000 or 10000 cycles depending on the regulation, is often treated using E-N-curves. LIMIT® currently does not support strain-life assessments (E-N curves).